Regina Golan Gerstl

Director of the Pediatric Laboratory
Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Organization
1-Ben-Sasson, S. Z. (PI), Gerstel, R., Hu-Li, J.(C), & Paul, W. E (C). (2001). Cell division is not a “clock” measuring acquisition of competence to produce IFN-γ or IL-4. The Journal of Immunology, 166(1), 112–120.
Golan-Gerstl, R. (S), Wallach-Dayan, S. B.(C), Amir, G.(C), & Breuer, R. (PI), (2006). Epithelial Cell Apoptosis by Fas Ligand-Positive Myofibroblasts in Lung Fibrosis. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology, 36(3), 270–275.
Wallach-Dayan, S (C). B., Izbicki, G. .(C),, Cohen, P. Y. (S), Gerstl-Golan, R. (S), Fine, A. .(C) & Breuer, R. (PI), (2006). Bleomycin initiates apoptosis of lung epithelial cells by ROS but not by Fas/FasL pathway. American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology, 290(4), L790–L796.
Wallach-Dayan, S. B.(C), Golan-Gerstl, R. (S), & Breuer, R. (PI), (2007). Evasion of myofibroblasts from immune surveillance: a mechanism for tissue fibrosis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104(51), 20460–20465.
Golan-Gerstl, R. (C), Cohen, M., Shilo (S), A., Suh, S. S. .(C), Bakacs, A. .(C), Coppola, L. (C), & Karni, R. (PI), (2011). Splicing Factor hnRNP A2/B1 Regulates Tumor Suppressor Gene Splicing and Is an Oncogenic Driver in Glioblastoma. Cancer Research, 71(13), 4464–4472.
Golan-Gerstl, R. (S), Wallach-Dayan, S. B. .(C), Zisman, P. .(C), Cardoso, W. V. .(C), Goldstein, R. H. .(C), & Breuer, R. (PI), (2012). Cellular FLICE-like Inhibitory Protein Deviates Myofibroblast Fas-Induced Apoptosis Toward Proliferation during Lung Fibrosis. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology, 47(3), 271–279.
Sebban, S., Golan-Gerstl, R. (C), Karni, R., .(C), Vaksman, O., Davidson, B. .(C), & Reich, R. (PI), (2012). Alternatively, spliced lysyl oxidase-like 4 isoforms have a pro-metastatic role in cancer. Clinical & Experimental Metastasis, 30(1), 103–117.
Cohen- Eliav, M., Golan-Gerstl, R. (C), Siegfried, Z., .(C), Andersen, C. L., Thorsen, K (C)., Ørntoft, T. F. (C), David Mu, Rotem Karni (PI). (2013). The splicing factor SRSF6 is amplified and is an oncoprotein in lung and colon cancers. , (4),630-639.
Maimon A, Mogilevsky (S), M, Shilo A (S), Golan-Gerstl R (C), Obiedat A, Ben-Hur V (S), Lebenthal-Loinger I (S), Stein I (C), Reich R (C), Beenstock J, Zehorai E, Andersen CL (C), Thorsen K (C), Orntoft TF (C), Davis RJ (C), Davidson B(C), Mu D, Karni R. (PI), (2014). Mnk2 Alternative Splicing Modulates the p38-MAPK Pathway and Impacts Ras-Induced Transformation. Cell Reports, 7(2), 501 – 513.
Wallach-Dayan SB (C), Elkayam L (S), Golan-Gerstl R (C), Konikov J, Zisman P (T), Dayan MR, Arish N (S), Breuer R. (PI), Cutting edge: FasL(+) immune cells promote resolution of fibrosis .J. Autoimmun. 2015 May; 59:67-76.
Arish N (S), Cohen PY (S), Golan-Gerstl R (C), Fridlender Z (C), Dayan MR, Zisman P (T), Breuer R (C), Wallach-Dayan SB. (PI), Overexpression of Telomerase Protects Human and Murine Lung Epithelial Cells from Fas- and Bleomycin-Induced Apoptosis via FLIP Upregulation. PLoS One. 2015 May 7;10(5).
Danan-Gotthold M, Golan-Gerstl R (C), Eisenberg E (C), Meir K (C), Karni R (C), Levanon EY. (PI), (2015). Identification of recurrent regulated alternative splicing events across human solid tumors. Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 May 26;43(10):5130-44.
Golan-Gerstl R (PI), Shiff YE (C), Lavi-Moshayoff V (T), Leshkowitz D (T), Reif S (C). Characterization and biological function of milk-derived miRNAs. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 2017 Jun 23.
Elbaum Shiff Y (C)., Reif S (C)., Marom R. (C), Shiff K (C)., Reifen R.(C), Golan-Gerstl R (PI)., MiRNA-320a is less expressed and miRNA-148a more expressed in preterm human milk compared to term human milk, 2019. 57:68-74.
Reif S (C), Elbaum Shiff Y (C), Golan-Gerstl R (PI). Milk-derived exosomes (MDEs) have a different biological effect on normal fetal colon epithelial cells compared to colon tumor cells in a miRNA-dependent manner. J Transl Med. 2019;17(1):325.